Baby Led Weaning Must-Haves

*I am not a physician or dietitian. These are just products that I have found to be ones that were most helpful for me in my journey as a first-time mom starting my baby on baby led weaning.

I had my first baby last spring and started him on baby led weaning around 6 months old. I’ll admit I was a little anxious at the beginning since I had never done anything like that before! BUT I found it to be easier than I expected, and exciting to watch my baby learn different textures and flavors without having to puree everything he ate.

– What is Baby Led Weaning?

“The basic idea behind baby-led weaning is that parents and caregivers can follow a baby’s lead,” says Dr. Churbock. “This means watching for signs of developmental readiness and, when a baby is ready, allowing them to self-feed.” 

Basically, you’re offering your baby the same foods that you and your family are eating and letting them explore the different textures and learn how to self-feed. Baby led weaning saves money and time, really helps your baby advance in developmental areas such as fine motor skills, and encourages social interactions by having he or she sit with your family at mealtime.

– What is the difference between gagging and choking?

Dana Peters (Registered Pediatric Dietitian) says, “Choking occurs when an object or piece of food is too big, and actually blocks the baby’s airway.  

“While gagging is characterized by coughing and noise, choking is characterized by silence. Oftentimes, a baby will look scared, and may also start to turn blue or purple, especially on their lips. The baby may cough if the blockage of the airway is only partial.”

I highly recommend taking a course on infant choking and CPR so that when your baby does choke, you will be ready to take action! There were a couple times when my baby had some pretty scary choking episodes. I was glad I knew exactly what to do!

– Do pediatricians recommend Baby Led Weaning?

According to Forbes Health, “Pediatric experts now recommend starting solid foods at 6 months. Most 6-month-old infants can grasp food, bring it to their mouth, chew and swallow. These skills mean babies can more independently feed themselves while weaning from human milk or formula nutrition.”

– When should I start BLW with my baby?

The Solid Starts website answers this question best:

“Most healthy, full-term babies are ready to start solid food around 6 months of age. However, it is critical that your baby reaches the following developmental milestones before offering solid food or finger foods:

  • Age: Baby is 6 months or older

  • Sitting: Baby is able to sit unsupported 

  • Head Control: Baby is able to hold head upright and steady

  • Reach & Grab: Baby is able to pick up objects and easily bring them to their mouth

  • Interest: Baby mouths for food or leans forward for it

Your baby must meet all of the above developmental milestones before you introduce solid food, and particularly so if you are going to start with baby-led weaning or finger foods.”

*If you are starting out BLW for the first time, Solid Starts is a great app to help you keep track of what your baby eats. It also teaches you how to prepare foods for each stage of your baby’s life. Highly recommend!


Baby Led Weaning Must-Haves

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